U.S. History A

U.S. History A Syllabus

Civil War/Sectional Differences/Reconstruction

Sectional Differences Note Sheet

Civil War and Reconstruction Terms

Reconstruction WebQuest

The Emancipation Proclamation

Sharecropping Experience

3 Reconstruction Plans after the Civil War

Reconstruction Essay Question :)

The twelve years after the Civil War proved to be a difficult time for America. Called Reconstruction by historians, this era saw an increase of freedom for former slaves. However, there was also great resistance to change. In 1877 attempts to reconstruct the South officially ended. How successful was the attempt to reconstruct the South after the Civil War?

Industrial Era/Gilded Age

Agricultural Problems and Gilded Age Politics

Industrialization Webquest

Social Darwinism


Triangle Factory Fire

Triangle Fire

The Jungle - Upton Sinclair

Working Conditions


Spanish-American War

Panama Canal

WWI Webquest

PBS Link - The Great War

Treaty of Versailles

14 Points

Tactics of WWI

Imperialism Group Inquiry

American Imperialism Primary Sources

American Indian Issues

American Indian Issues

Why would we study these issues?

1. Native American Mascots          2.  Andrew Jackson’s Native American Policy

3. Wounded Knee/Ghost Dance     4.  Dawes Act

5. Indian Appropriation Act           6.  Trail of Tears (1830s)    

You need to do the following for each of the above 6 topics

1. Define each (What?)

2.List the issues of each topic (at least 2)

3.Find 1 primary source for the following topics: 1, 3, and 6

    - Explain how the primary source helps you better understand the time period


Assimilation Pro/Con Activity

Wounded Knee Discussion Question


Roaring 20’s Album project

1920s CD People and Events

Scopes Monkey Trial


1920s Primary Sources

Depression and New Deal

Causes of Depression Notes

Causes of the Great Depression Book Reading

Great-depression notes

Great Depression Scrapbook

Great Depression Webquest

FDR’s 1st Fireside Chat

New Deal Notes

Migrant Mother

May 7, 1933 - Fireside Chat


Causes of WWII Book Work

Pearl Harbor Handout

FDR War Speech Dec. 8

WWII in the Pacifc

Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima

Iwo Jima Battle Scenes

National WWII Museum

Eisenhower’s D-Day Message

Eyewitness to History

Japanese Internment Camps

Decision to Drop Bomb

WWII Essay Test.pdf