
Sociology Syllabus


Social Class - Final Presentation  (Individual or groups of 2 or 3)

- Choose 1 current issue dealing with social class or one of the social stratification examples we looked at.

- Make Hypothesis

- Appropriate research (MLA Work Cited on the last slide of your presenation)

- What does your research/data say?  What can you infer?

- How well did your research address your hypothesis?

- What conclusions can you draw from your research?

- You need to use at least 2 primary sources.

- PowerPoint or Google slides

- Please do not write paragraphs.  Use bullet points.

- Everyone will participate and present.

- Professional quality (Use pictures and/or charts and graphs when appropriate)

- Last slide will be your MLA work cited

Social Class Essay

Cultural Project - Due -

The Boy Code

Guns and Dolls

Bowling Alone

Bowling Alone - Online summary

Nickel and Dimed

Is the American Dream Still Alive?

                      1st Tri Final

Final Presentation - We will start presentations on Mon. 3/12

Topic List - Click on link to see possible presentations topics.  You are not limited to these topics.  You may choose other topics if you wish.


- work individually or with a partner (No more than 2)

- Share with Mr. Lord your presentation topic.  (More specific the better)

- Google Slides (Please share with Lord when you are done)

- At least 4 sources used.  (1 of them must be a primary source)

- All sources cited in MLA format on your last slide

- Use proper presentational skills.  Bullet points on each slide (No paragraphs).  Use pictures/charts/graphs

- Address your topic properly and explain in detail

- 5 minutes is your minimum time.  Presentations must be at least 5 min