John McLoughlin Elementary

Cool Websites

This will be added to as new ones are found, if you have a suggestion,

please let me know.

John McLoughlin School Website - Our School’s Website: Here you can access the district website, email teachers, find the school handbook and schedule; pretty much everything you need to know about JME.

JME’s Cool Websites - Our School’s Cool Websites: Here you can find educational activities that support our curriculum, some of which we are doing in class.

Author Rick Riordan’s Website - The popular author of the Percy Jackson Book series, Rick Riordan’s website.  Explore the world of Percy Jackson.  Learn more about the Greek Gods.

Mega Math -An assortment of math games to practice the math skills that we are working on in class.  Make sure to pick activities that are not too easy or not too hard for you.


Mrs. Carroll's 5th Grade Class at