English 9B


•Please answer EVERY Daily Question so that I can record accurate student Google Classroom "attendance" (see your class link below);

•Independent Reading Expectation: (beginning 4/19) Students are expected to read an average of 20-30 minutes per day in any novel or non-fiction book they choose, and complete a weekly Independent Reading Journal entry (see your class link below).  

Google Classroom Links:

Here you'll find Daily Questions, Poetry Reading and Writing prompts, and Independent Reading Journal prompts:

Period 1

Period 3

Period 5

Click on the Links below to access onling Independent Reading Resources:

1. How to download SORA, our online digital library App.

2.  OC Public Library Resources

3.  The best online resource for free public domain literature is called Project Gutenberg and you don't have to sign up.

4.  ManyBooks is a free online resource for more contemporary novels and non-fiction, but you have to sign up.

Daily Assignments

(see prompts on your Classroom page)

April 6-9: (ungraded)

1. (4/6)  Food Poem

2. (4/7)  Hobby List

3. (4/8)  Photo Poem

4. (4/9)  Your Identity Poem

April 13-16: (graded on 4-point scale)

5. (4/13)

Journal Prompts:

April 13-16:

1. (due 4/19) Independent Reading: Selection
