ENGLISH 9 Course Syllabus, 2019-20     NOTES # 1     Name:                                    

Instructor:  Greg Hellman                         

Room: D208                              Period:                 Date:

E-mail address:  greg.hellman@orecity.k12.or.us

My Website: http://staff.orecity.k12.or.us/greg.hellman/english-9.html

English 9 meets the English literature course requirement for graduation.  This class will help you:

•Become a more confident reader who can choose and understand a variety of modes and styles of writing.

•Become a more effective writer who can communicate with different audiences in appropriate ways.

The School Planner and Personal Management

I require all students to use the OCHS Student Planner (or a comparable personal planner). I expect you to record long term assignments, pending due dates, and homework every day, and I will check that you do.  

Notebooks:  Keep Organized or Suffer

You will need to bring a notebook for this class, in addition to any text we are studying.  My recommendation is to purchase 50-150 sheets loose-leaf paper and a 3-ring binder with at least three sections dedicated to this course:  a Journal, Class Notes, and Returned Work.  I prefer it not be a spiral.  The binder may be used for other classes as well, as long as separate sections are clearly marked, and all papers are headed with name, class period, date of assignment, and title of assignment.  Stay organized, or suffer the anxiety and stress of The Perpetually Lost.

Attendance and Student Success:  Be Present

Regular student attendance is critical to your academic success. Students who are absent for two or more days due to illness or family emergency should request missing assignments through the Counseling Office (503-785-8760).  You can also e-mail me or leave a voicemail to request missing assignments, or check my website.  Parents must call the Attendance Office (503-785-8730) within 24 hours to excuse your absence.  For any planned absences, you are required to fill out Pre-Arranged Absence Form from the Attendance Office.  

Student tardiness also creates a distraction in the classroom and interferes with learning.  If you have a legitimate need to confer with a teacher, counselor, administrator, or other support staff, you will receive a pass excusing your tardiness.  All other tardies are considered “unexcused” and may result in a warning, parental notification, and/or referral as per school policy.  

How to Make Up Missing Assignments

Students have the number of days of excused absence, plus one, to make up missing work without penalty.  So if you are out for 2 days, you have 3 days from the date of your return to make up the work without penalty.  After that, the work may not be accepted and will likely be downgraded.  All work may be made up, but there will be a one grade penalty (10%).


Independent Reading

•Students at OCHS are expected to read independently for an average of 15-30 minutes/day.  

•Independent Reading book choices will be discussed in class.

•Some reading time is provided during class, but students must read the remainder as homework.  

•Students turn in a bookmark every week to document their reading.

Common Core Priority Standards for English 9

The following are the Priority Standards we have indentified for English 9, although other Standards will be covered and assessed:

WRITING.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.

WRITING.5: Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.

READING/LITERATURE.1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly, as well as inferences drawn from the text.

READING/LITERATURE.2: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.

SPEAKING/LISTENING.1: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

LANGUAGE.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

LANGUAGE.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

LANGUAGE.4: Determine the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases using a range of strategies.

Honors Credit Opportunity

Students can earn Honors Credit for English 9 by signing an Honors Agreement, which includes completing an additional essay and an extension assignment, and reading more challenging works. Information about the agreement and requirements will be given out in the first week of class.


I use a points system:  the larger the assignment, the more points available.  Additionally, I divide my assignments into two categories: 65% of your grade is based on Product (formal and Summative Assessments like essays and projects); I call these Big Points. 35% of your grade is based on Process (informal and Formative Assessments like daily activities, process tasks, discussions); I call these little points.

Plagiarism is a Form of Cheating

Students who plagiarize will receive an “F” on the assignment, and may be subject to school disciplinary action.  Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to:

•copying and pasting information from the internet, without properly citing the source;

•using another's words, or changing only a few words from the original;

•copying the work of another student;

•submitting work that has been completed by another individual.

Writing Topics

Students are responsible for choosing appropriate independent reading materials and writing topics—no R rated material, please.  

Please note:  As an educator, I am a “mandatory reporter” and I am required by law to report if I think you are currently or potentially in danger, a danger to yourself, or a danger to others.

[District Cell Phone Policy and Electronic Devices in the Classroom

Students are permitted to carry cell phones while at school. However, cell phones must remain out of sight with no power, while in any classroom or during their class time in all academic areas, i.e. library, career center, counseling office. Cell phone use will not be permitted in the restrooms or locker rooms at any time.

•Use of a cell phone, iPod's [sic] or any electronic device during a test (i.e., text messaging) will be considered cheating (see Code of Conduct) and appropriate action will be taken.

•No use of cell phone cameras will be permitted during the school day.

•Cell phones may not be used in any manner that will cause disruption to the educational environment. If a cell phone is brought to school, it is at the individual's own risk and the school will not compensate a student for lost, stolen or damaged devices.


•First Offense: Verbal warning by teacher. Student will secure cell phone out of sight (i.e. immediately turn off and put in backpack/purse/locker).

•Second Offense: Parent notification by teacher, referral to Vice-Principal for consequences.

•Third Offense: In-school suspension.

•Fourth Offense: Full range of sanctions.]

My Cell Phone and Electronic Devices Policy

Upon entering my classroom, you have two options for your phone:  put it securely in your backpack, or put it in the assigned phone pocket.  Not on your desk, or in your lap, or even in your pocket.  Outlets for charging phones are first come, first served, and I am not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged phones.  It is my policy to allow students to use their phones for urgent personal business as long as they do so in the hall, quickly and without distracting the class.  However, urgent personal phone use does not constitute an excuse from any class work or assignments.  YOU MAY NOT TAKE PHOTOS, VIDEO, OR AUDIO WITHOUT PERMISSION IN MY ROOM.

Emergency contacts by parents/guardians should be made through the Main Office (503-785-8729) or the Counseling Office (503-785-8760).  This allows us to notify administrators, counselors, and/or other support staff as needed, and to more quickly excuse students from class, if necessary.

It is my classroom policy to allow students to use personal listening devices (phones, etc.) to listen to music during independent reading and writing time ONLY, as long as that use is not distracting to anyone in the class.  This privilege will be revoked without warning if the use is distracting in any way.  Gaming, Social Networking, online shopping, and social texting are NEVER permitted in my classes.  I may resort to the Sanctions listed above if you cannot abide by my policy.

Behavior Policy

I like to think I'm a reasonable person.  I try to resolve any conflicts that occur in my classroom.  If you are repeatedly disruptive, destructive, or disrespectful, however, I will refer you to the administration or counseling, and I will notify your parent/guardian.  I am especially concerned with the way we treat each other, as well as the care and use of our tools and technology (e.g. laptops, supplies, etc. ).

This is a Hate-Free Zone.  Here, as in all of OCHS, we welcome all nationalities, genders, races, religions, body types, abilities, sexual orientations, and family structures. In this class and in our school, we speak with positivity and respect.  

It's your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.

- Rumi