Global Studies "B"

UNIT 8/9:  South Asia AND East Asia


                                   SOUTH ASIA

South Asia Map:   Worksheet

East Asia Map:   Worksheet

South Asia & East Asia Table Activity:   Worksheet

     (((quiz related to this activity)))

VIDEO -- South Asia Landforms & Resources:   Video

     Video Notes Worksheet:  Worksheet

PowerPoint Presentation, Chapter 24, Section 1:  Presentation

Textbook Notes Worksheet (Chapter 24, Section 1):  Worksheet

Textbook Outline for Chapter 24, Section 3:  Guide

VIDEO -- South Asia Human Geography:  Video

     Video Notes Worksheet:  Worksheet

Subcontinent Timeline Notes (Chapter 25, Sections 1 & 2):  Worksheet

PowerPoint Presentation of Timeline:  Presentation

Reteaching Activity -- Chapter 25, Section 1:  Worksheet

VIDEO -- India's Booming Population (7 min.):  Video

VIDEO -- India's Population to Surpass China (3 min.):  Video

VIDEO -- "Earth 2025:  Don't Panic" (60 min.):  Video

     Population Wrap-up Questions:  Worksheet

Wrap-up Questions (India):  Worksheet

                                   EAST ASIA

East Asia Atlas Analysis:  Worksheet

Chinese Inventions:  Document

VIDEO -- China's Wealth:  Video

Three Gorges Dam Worksheet:  Worksheet

VIDEO -- Three Gorges Dam:  Video

VIDEO (optional) -- Reality in North Korea:  Video

China vs. North Korea Table:  Document

FINAL REVIEW:  Worksheet

((((The final exam is comphrehensive and will cover Africa, The Middle East, South Asia, and East Asia))))