
The History of a Modern Day Genocide



SUMMARIES #1 and 2:  Read EACH of the articles below, and write a few sentences describing what happened for EACH article.

“Q&A: Rwanda's long search for justice”

Write a brief summary of EACH of the following sections of the article below. 


#5:  “What Did the International Community Do,”

#6:  “How Has the UN Responded to the Criticism,”

#7: “What about the ordinary members of the militias,”

#8: “How is Rwanda addressing this problem”

Habyarimana’s plane’s crash site.


1) On a blank piece of paper look up and define the following terms:

massacre, coup d'état, moderate (the one referring to a type of person, noun), Rwandan Patriotic Front, Arusha Peace Accords, extremists, genocide

2) Using the packet that was provided, record the notes on the “Background on the Conflict,” and “An Independent Rwanda,” then fill in the timeline of the events listed under “A Recent History of Bloodshed,” and “The Triumph of Evil.” 

3) As you are filling out the timeline, you will find four links that are written or highlighted in purple.  Read each of the linked articles, in order, and then on a separate piece of paper following your definitions, write a one-paragraph summary for each article.

Your completed Rwandan Activity will therefore include:

1)Definitions of the seven words listed above.

  1. 2) A filled out purple packet with the notes.

  2. 3) Summaries of the articles.

Summaries #4-8: “How the genocide happened”

There are five parts of this article, write a brief summary for each of the five parts: the intro; History of Violence; Building up to Genocide; Mass Murder; and Aftermath.